

The History of the Bhagavad Gita

Nov 30 2017 - Krishna Talk 203
The following article is presented on Sri Gita Jayanti, the 5144th anniversary of Sri Krsna speaking the Bhagavad-gita. » more

Sri Sri Gaura Radha-Madhava And the Temple of Misunderstanding

Nov 1 2017 - Krishna Talk 201
The main drift of this article is to recall to memory the establishing of the Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Radha-Madhava at Mayapura by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada during his manifest lila, and to draw attention to how the present institution of ISCON has unfortunately gone astray from the proper... » more

The Mystery of the History of the Lila of Damodara

Oct 27 2017 - Krishna Talk 200
Devotees throng by the tens and hundreds of thousands every year, and especially during the month of Karttika, to have darsana of Sri Sri Radha-Damodara and to circumambulate the temple. The Deity of Damodara with Sri Radha to His left and Sri Lalita to His right is the eternal blackish form of Sri... » more


Janmasthami Lecture '99

Aug 27 2024 - Video
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In the following class Swami B G Narasingha Maharaj talks about how the pastimes of the Lord are eternal. Further He briefly explains Tatastha vichar, Rasa tattva and finally how to follow in the footsteps of Vraja vasis. » more

The Value of Freedom

Aug 4 2024 - Video
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Srila Sridhara Maharaja advises us to recognize and address our our own faults through deep self-analysis to overcome suffering caused by misused freedom. The first misuse of our free will lead us away from divine connection and into material entanglement. Freedom, though vulnerable to misuse, is a... » more

Hari Nama - The Center of Gaura Lila

Jul 21 2024 - Video
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A video from an Initiation lecture by Swami B G Narasaingha Maharaja given on 31st March 1999 at Govindaji Gardens, India. In this class he explains how Hari Nama was the center of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's lila and how Mahaprabhu distributed it to all from the highest to the lowest. Sripada... » more

Slide Show


Sep 25 2007 - Slide Show
Govindaji Gardens
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Narasimha-saligram from Gandaki River in Nepal. Worshipped at Sri Narasimha Chaitanya Ashram in South India » more

Sri Rupa Goswami Samadhi

Sep 25 2007 - Slide Show
Radha Damodara Mandir
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400 years after its original construction the complete renovation of the samadhi of Sri Rupa Goswami has been completed. Some pics that show the stages. » more

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Date Unknown - Slide Show
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