Swami B.G. Narasingha Videos

Janmasthami Lecture '99

Aug 27 2024 - Video
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In the following class Swami B G Narasingha Maharaj talks about how the pastimes of the Lord are eternal. Further He briefly explains Tatastha vichar, Rasa tattva and finally how to follow in the footsteps of Vraja vasis. » more

Hari Nama - The Center of Gaura Lila

Jul 21 2024 - Video
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A video from an Initiation lecture by Swami B G Narasaingha Maharaja given on 31st March 1999 at Govindaji Gardens, India. In this class he explains how Hari Nama was the center of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's lila and how Mahaprabhu distributed it to all from the highest to the lowest. Sripada... » more

Treading the Line

Jun 20 2024 - Video
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Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja instructs us not to loose sight of what was followed by our previous acharyas while adding new things to our practices, cautioning us about the importance of the substance over the form. » more

Theological position of Gaudiya Sampradaya

Jan 17 2024 - Video
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A lecture by Swami B.G. Narasingha given in 1999 at Gopinath Gaudiya Math, Vrindavan. Maharaja explains the relation between the Gayatri mantra and Srimad Bhagavatam. He further explains the position of Srimad Bhagavatam in other sampradayas and Mahaprabhu's conception of Srimad Bhagavatam. » more

Prabhupada — One Who Reveals the Heart of Mahaprabhu

Dec 31 2023 - Video
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A lecture by Swami B.G. Narasingha given in 2001 in Boston, USA. » more

Bhakti is Beyond Piety & Impiety

Dec 16 2023 - Video
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A class by Swami B.G. Narasingha given in Boston in 2001.In this class Swami Narasingha explains that just mundane pious actions are ineffective in producing bhakti, but service to the book and the person Bhagavat instills love of God in the hearts of the devotees. » more

Radhastami '2007 Lecture

Sep 23 2023 - Video
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A lecture given in 2007 on the day of Radhastami by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja, at Govindaji Gardens, Srirangapatna, India. » more

The Guru Principle - Part 1

Mar 28 2023 - Video
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A class was given by Srila Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha Maharaja on the day of Nityananda Triyodasi, on 31st January 2007 at Govindaji Gardens in South India. » more

Nityananda Trayodasi

Feb 3 2023 - Video
Govindaji Gardens
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A class given by Srila BG Narasingha Maharaja on the occasion of Sri Nityananda Trayodasi at Govindaji Gardens on 15th February 2003 » more

Sadhana & Bhajana

Dec 20 2022 - Video
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A class given by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja at Govindaji Gardens in South India on the 20th of March, 2001. » more

Surrender & Self Deception — Follow the Angels — Part 1

Dec 8 2022 - Video
Govindaji Gardens
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A class given by Srila Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha Maharaja at Govindaji Gardens in South India on the 20th of March, 2001. » more

Krishna Never Leaves Vrindavana

Oct 1 2022 - Video
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A short clip from a lecture by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja given on Janmastami, 8th August 2002. » more

Vital Imports on the Guru Tattva

Aug 25 2022 - Video
Govindaji Gardens
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A lecture by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja given on the day of his Vyasa Puja on 7th September 2002 at Govindaji Gardens, India. » more

Seeing the Real Kṛṣṇa

Jul 20 2022 - Video
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This class was given on May 27th 2001 in Vermont, USA. Speaking from Bhagavad-gītā 7.14, Śrīla Narasiṅgha Mahārāja explains the nature of conditioned men to exploit women, and how ultimately all conditioned souls attempt to exploit material nature. He says that we have to cultivate a disinterest in... » more

Common Sense Bhakti

Jul 2 2022 - Video
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In this informal questions and answers session with disciples given in Vermont on 18th December 2018, Śrīla Narasiṅgha Mahārāja answers a number of questions. » more

Which Books Should I Read?

Jun 21 2022 - Video
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Śrīla Narasiṅgha Mahārāja talks about which books to read when one is still situated on the platform of sambandha-jñāna and explains how Bhagavad-gītā & Īśopaniṣad give inspiration to cross over material existence. He further explains how Bhāgavatam is for the devotees, and Gita is for... » more

Apply Consciousness to Krishna Consciousness!

May 22 2022 - Video
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This was Swami B.G. Narasiṅgha Mahārāja’s final questions and answers session with disciples given in Vermont USA, on 2nd June 2019. During this informal talk, Śrīla Narasiṅgha Mahārāja explains the nature of “how to” questions, and talks about the removal of anarthas and various points about... » more

Always Remember Krishna And Never Forget Him

May 19 2022 - Video
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In this short video Swami B.G. Narasingha speaks about how Krishna always protects his devotees who have taken shelter of Him, and who always remember Him with love. » more

Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Bhakti

May 9 2022 - Video
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In this class given in Boston on 12th July 2001, Śrīla Narasiṅgha Mahārāja speaks about the different types of guru and how one may have many gurus but only one mantra-guru. He then poses and answers the question, “What is the highest aspiration of a pure Vaiṣṇava?” and explains how that a... » more

We are Slaves of Love

Apr 25 2022 - Video
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In this class on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.9.33, given at Yamunā Devī’s āśrama in British Colombia on June 26th 2001, Swami B.G. Narasingha Mahārāja explains how a Vaiṣṇava is known by his aspiration, and not by his current condition. He describes how when a devotee tries to offer service, Kṛṣṇa leaves... » more